Series VK-vbudovanі
Small for the size of the model, harmoniously add to the series of VS-built-in svitlnikov. The stench is easy to install and laconically fit into the part of the interior here, de installation in a standard format is unwise.
Such parameters in the lighting allow you not to cover the space and to avoid the necessary intensity of illumination itself, even if it is necessary.
кі за розміром моделі гармонійно доповнюють серію VS-вбудованих світильників. Вони легко монтуються і лаконічно вписуються в тут частину інтер'єру, де установка приладів стандартного формату неможлива.
Такі параметрів світильників дозволяюбть не обтяжувати простір та забезпечувати необхідну інтенсивність освітлення саме там, де це потрібно.
The VK-compact series will come in handy for architects
who do not want to compromise and dream of implementing it
in the project all their creative developments.
Model - Built-in compact
Type - ceiling
Lamp type - MR16 (LED)
Base type - G5.3; GU10;
Voltage - 220V
Material - gypsum
*** The maximum scattering angle is 103 °
** MGV - 120 mm
Complete set:
Plaster lamp
Base G5.3
Retaining ring
Terminal block
Model - Built-in compact
Type - ceiling
Lamp type - MR16 (LED)
Base type - G5.3; GU10
Voltage - 220V
Material - gypsum
*** The maximum scattering angle is 120 °
** MGV - 105 mm
Complete set:
Plaster lamp
Base G5.3
Retaining ring
Terminal block
Model - Built-in compact
Type - ceiling
Lamp type - MR16 (LED)
Base type - G5.3; GU10
Voltage - 220V
Material - gypsum
*** The maximum scattering angle is 120 °
** MGV - 90 mm
Complete set:
Plaster lamp
Base G5.3
Retaining ring
Terminal block
VS-built-in series
Sophisticated recessed Promin luminaires open up new possibilities for designers and architects
VN-invoice series
Simple geometric and charming smooth shapes of Promin overhead lamps perfectly repeat a series of VS-built-in
VK-compact series
Small models harmoniously complement the series of VS-built-in luminaires
Series Profile luminaires
Profile lighting is an incredibly powerful tool for every artist
Double-built-in series
Double luminaires are an excellent opportunity to install several LED lamps in them
RING-radius series
Profile radial luminaire that extends the boundaries of linear lighting systems without angles and straight lines - only a single integral light circle
Stair lighting series
A series of stair lamps allows not only to illuminate the stairs, but also to create a unique interior of the room
Exclusive lighting
An extraordinary and bold solution for decorating the ceiling
Неординарне та сміливе рішення для оформлення стелі
Stucco decor
Gypsum stucco to create a fabulous interior
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